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Diyar prather mujahedeen, Yeven here we keep infaarmed about jehad, passing news clipping phrom musharraf to mushharraf where dhey are stored and give us comfort. We hav peen farced 2 trade many, many names faar such moderately enlightened brivileges, so pliss be careful. I am riting yin hanguish at waht carruption yis dooing to wour peloved jehad. I yam talking about all dhis premature vacuum balb esplosion. Y we cannot kill munafiqeen like dhis Sherpao, or Crusader Cheney? Y we make such smaal phataka in year of Nasrani 1998? Why Pakistani suercide bamper yis not as yeffective yas glorious Yiraki suercide bamper? Are we naat superior? Has Musharraf (Feces Be Upon Him) has directed POF to produce detonators that respond nat to yelictrical impulse, bhut to signaals phrom the kufaar? Has he has betrayed secrets of jinn technology? We are naat yable to strike terror in to heart of all the kufaar in manner dhat is pleasing to our maker. Yeven Kaffirs are laaffing - see http://www.jamestown.org/news_details.php?news_id=222 Yin Particular I waunt 2 draw attention to this onlee; http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6470605.stm Ar is yit that chappatti plour faar bamp yis darty and phrom Kaafir lands like Hunistan (mitt mice schidt mixt) or Hindustan? Yexplosively yangry (prematurely and unsatisfactorily), Yunus al-Qubani (formely Yunus al-Prittani, formerly Yunus al-Mirpuri) |
NSN has a mandate for tight and fair reporting of the positive happenings in the land of pure. NSN strives also to promote the pure language of Pingrezi. Pingrezi is the glorious pure angrezi (english to you phoreigners) spoken in Bakistan.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Guest reborters join in the fun.
his was found inside correspondence from a Guantanomo detainee to his solicitors who are in turn passing it on as was intended;