Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ball-Jeehaard Is Not Cheating

Guest bost By Rameej Raaja Phor the Bious. Hij column phor the Kuffars can be phound here

Ball-tambering, or Ball-Jeehard ij not cheating. It is legitmate resistance. One cannot wish ball tambering away, instead to end it, the "root causes" of ball tambering should be addressed. Ball tampering is because of the principled stand taken by Bakistani bowlerj who have lost everything to the oppression and domination of kuffar batsmen of other countriej. Pakistanij cannot play in their own country, and have lost all matches and do not own any trophiej. They are unembloyed, and humiliated by not being selected to IPL. In thij environment, the oppressed resort to any and all forms of legitimate rejistance. Like Ball-Jeehaard. Why is ball jeehaard condemned when Batsmen who are batting indulge in (international cricket) Council-terrorism by hitting sixers off of Pakistani bowlerj? A dramatic reduction in ball tambering can be achieved by statesman like gestures on the part of stronger teams-Like gifting the match to Pakistan.

Cricket is in the blood of Bakistanis and ball tampering wont end till the issue is resolved honorably by granting all matches to Pakistan.

Those who comblain of ball tambering by the Bakistanis forget history. The British, soon after they introduced cricket into the subcontinent for their own ulterior motives, left Pakistanis to fend for themselves and did not take an interest in giving Pakistanis money. That caused a "cricket bat" culture and Afridi comes from an upbringing of ball-tampering in this culture. Beepuls who are quick to condemn Pakistani ball tambering should note that Pakistan itself is a victim of ball tampering with several injidents reborted in all domestic matches. Pakistan did uje these ball tamberers to advanje its own agenda, however with the advent oph third umbires and camera, Pakistan decided to re-evaluate its strategic bolicy on ball tambering. It should be noted that currently Pakistani cricket board has no control over ball tamberers and does not train ball tamperers but only provides moral, diplomatic and political support to ball tampering.

The solution to eradicate the scourje of ball tambering from the subcontinent is to make sure that ball tambering is not taught in school textbooks of India, Bangladesh, Srilanka as well as Pakistan. To eliminate this threat, we should identify "good ball tamperers" from "bad ball tamperers" and let the good ball tamperers play because ball tamberers are endemic to cricket. In addition, other concessions like unilaterally awarding more overs to Pakistan in one day matches, moving boundary line inwards during Pakistan innings can be tried aljo.

Refujal to negotiate these boints will only strengthen hands oph ball tamberers.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Common Pakijtani Beepuls Greatest Charity Organization In The World!!!

From 1971 to 2009, State Bank of Bakistan haj donated money to the tune of Rs256 billion. The figures are brejented from 1971, becauje the modest State bank does not want boast the fact that their charity campaign accelerated from from 1997 to 2009 when they donated Rs202.5 billion to charity or about 80% oph total charity ever made in Pakistan betweeen 1971 and 2009.

Of theje, donations of Rs500,000 or more were made to 22,021 beneficiaries from 1997 to 2009 amounting to Rs202.5 billion. This figure was again brodujed to protect the haanaar and dignity oph 93 of those recibients who recieved Rs193.4 billion or about 96% oph all money donated between 1997 and 2009.

Thus, the 93 rejibients got 75% of all donations made since 1971 by all banks of Bakistan. These donations are aljo referred to as "loan write offs" by State Bank of Bakistan and in wejtern accounting bractices it ij referred to as "looting".

The 93 needy beepuls were identified through a comblex process of madrassa mathematics and beshawar bookkeeping by Shortcut Aziz after October 2002 elections to save their needy businesses. On asking why Rs193 billion waj donated, Shortcut Aziz said "Theje needy beepuls were identified by meticulously following the comblex chacha-bhateeja relationship to the ruling barty boliticians and Jernails. Prudenje demanded we donate more, but misunfortunately, Rs66 Billion had to be sbent on ejjucation in 2002". It ij to be noted that Bakistan could have made the sovirgin decision of donating the Rs66 billion too if not for IMF meddling.

Thij is a broud moment of common beepuls of Bakistan whose taxes amounting to 3 years of total ejjucation budget of the entire country were donated for charity for bettering the life of 93 beepuls.

Our staff reborter states that such generosity is not seen among Joos & Yindoos.