Wednesday, March 7, 2007

PNN responds with gusto

Mouth-breaking response to insulting cartoon, honor restored

Lahore, March 7 (PNN): In response to an insulting cartoon published by NSN, there were widespread demonstrations all over Pakistan today. The cartoon portrayed Pakistan as a dog with America as its master. In retaliation to this gross violation of sovereign dignity, a “Pakistan Bandh” was called by the MMA. Angry demonstrators marched on streets and raised slogans of “NSN murdabad”, “peace process zindabad” and “long live PNN”.

KFC burned, buses torched
Demonstrators in Karachi showed their displeasure by stoning and burning KFC, an American franchise. Rioters in Lahore looted homes, torched shops and buses and closed down hospitals and schools. “Overall, the response to our call has been fantastic”, said Mr. Abdul Rehman, the MMA spokesman.

There have been reports of several deaths and injuries from various provinces. “This clearly shows that Pakistanis will not accept any insult lying down”, said Mr. Rehman. "We have taught a lesson to the world to show us more respect."

Bhatti Gul
Anticipating a backlash from American bombers stationed in Afghanistan, the qazi of Quetta General (retd.) Bhatti Gul announced a blackout in the city. Our PNN correspondent spent one night with the general hiding in a bunker. However the Americans were clearly unnerved by street demonstrations because they did not carry out any bombing raids. “It’s a great victory for us”, said General Bhatti Gul. “Our honour has been restored.”

This is PNN.

Ijtihad for all, Jehad on NSN