Sunday, March 4, 2007

Of love and goats


Pakistan-India Peace Creating Giant Goats

The ceasefire between India and Pakistan in Kashmir has produced an unexpected beneficiary - the world's largest goat. The markhor, a mountain goat that stands almost 6ft tall at the shoulder and can weigh 17 stone, was thought to be extinct in Indian-held Kashmir. Markhor are considered critically endangered, but other populations have survived in the mountains of Pakistan away from the Line of Control, and in Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.

Following the ground-breaking work in China that received wide acclaim:

Jean Laing, Goat Husbandry , Faber and Faber, London, 1985, 375 p.

Phor thoje of you interested in huspanding or rearing your goat, I give you:

The Ultimate Online Resource: Bakarmandi

Rear and husband to your heart's content.