Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A jop abblikashun

mahendra wrote:

Also, I yam very imbressed by new but yet un-official reborter Sulaiman Al-jharkhandi, I think he should apply to the higher up and aboves at NSN Muridke Head office.

The Hadithars,
NSN News Agency
LaHore, Islamapad, and other major cities

Supject: Abblikashion for embloymant

Diyar Sirs:

Salaam. Bliss to konsider my abblikashion for bozishiun for the bost of rebortar, kultural. I bromise to wurk hardest to pring wurld wide attenshun to bakistani kulture of kite-flying, goat-rearing, visa abblikashuns, and mizzile bolishing if selected.

Bliss kunsider salary konsummate with exberiyance. A pio-data is included for your repherence.


Hidhayath Al-Beshawari
ex-reborter for severul nashunal dailies

Pio Data

Name: Hidayath Al-Beshawari
Age : Old
Sex : Not in some time

Graduate in History, Beshawar
Diploma in Bakistani Languages, Binuri Madarsa

1. Reborter for nashionul daily until late night visit by masked men
2. Using burka to travel aphter that, avoiding all back-channels.
3. Ex-agent for sindikated kolumnists Iask Yamir and M. Shirleen Mazhaki
4. Signibhikant experiyance in kultural reborting inkluding bress awards for reborting kamel feshtival and goat rearing ceremony