Saturday, February 24, 2007

Of Travel to Baushtanabad

Diyar Hadithars, and A.H.N.Q.T.B.D.N Al-Murdikki:


I abbreciate your reknewed afforts to bring youth pack to this valuable thrad.

Al-Murdikki sahip, my symbathies with exberience of bangs of emoshion ubon your return. My kousin Apdul had the kaught same thing. However, you should rememper that there is nuthing like nite life of Karachi, or the pegums of lahore.

In bhact, all I can rememper of walks py the campridge river is ducks boobing all over the blace. It would navar pe allowed in a clean country like baakistan. Our ducks (canadian or not) are all tall, fair and martial and navar boob in buplic blaces.

I am shure you will soon bhind habbiness again. Berhabs you kan ask bhamily to reintroduce you to the neybors dauters and goats, if your old acquantances have moved. I have seen many an Abdul regain the habbiness and bride in the fatherland after having returned from uncle-land that way.

Blis note that peards are now mandatory here, so try to avoid sunlight until you have a thick groth kovering your bhace.

Hidayath Al-Allie Beshawari