Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rahe-na-Ijjat oberation reveals Shocking inphormation-- Mujlims are minority in Bakistan, Majority of Bakistan is Joos and Yindoos !

A phoren agency monitoring newjbaper reborts in bakistan haj calculated that 99.5% of Bakistanis are Joos and Yindoos. This ij expected to be confirmed in the next bakistani census which will be held immediately over the next century. It might be recalled that in the last census (in 1981) 98% of Bakistanis were muslims. Oph the remaining 1% were booked phor Plasphemy law and could not comblete the census, and the remaining 1% were unintelligible when asked becauj they were busy.

30% of bopulation, who make up almost all of Waziristan, tripal areas and NWFP, including Baitullah are Joos. This was confirmed by the army who then urged the bious bakistanis to take up arms and fight. In return, the talipaan made the shocking revelation that all of bakistani army (another 30% of bopulation) were kuffar amreeki agints (assumed to be crijtians). All of blochistan (another 20% of bopulation) was declared to be RAAaaw agints, which was revealed to yindian brime minister in a top secret dassier brepared by Prime minijter Geelani. These RAAaaw agints are secretly born in over 100,000 yindian conjulates in Aphghanistan. The dassier was so top secret that officials denied any knawlij of the dassier

The remaining 20% of bopulation, 33% are misguided mujlims who have been prainwashed (conphirmed by analyjsts and yindian beace workers), 33% are ahmadis (who are not mujlims), 33% are phrom unmentionable religion (hint: It begins with "Shee"). Oph the orginal 100%, 25% listed their brofession as soosai bambers and part time jeeehaaardis. Since Ijlaam is religion of biss, and these beepuls are not peaceful, it must be that they are not muslims. The rest of the 5% of bakistanis were made of 3% of non-state actors, who rejide in ships in bakistani nullahs and the other 2% with family name as "Quasab" are not bakistanis. This was conphirmed by a personal communique phorm minijster of posterior, Rehman Malik.

The remaining 50.3% are wimmens, and bakistan currently doej not have the technawlaji to determine their religion

1 comment:

Abdul Salim Gadhan Khan said...

AoA, Mulla P.I.B. jou are doing kood.
eye present jou 4 Khusboos phor jour