Sunday, October 25, 2009

Decadence of the west, Morality and Jeehaard

Everyday when I switch on the tv, a constant stream of half clad bollywood danjers assault my senjes. If I change chanels to UK, Amreeki chanels, I get fully nakid gori wimmens. One cannot read Playboy or Hustlar without seeing the nakid wimmens between the interesting interviews and advice columns.

How can the youth of this country grow up to be bious and uncorrupted in this environment ? This pervasive moral decadence of the west is the reason for their scientific and technological stagnation over the past two centuries, while the bious have forged ahead with scientific, technological and economic progress. We should take utmost care to not fall into such a trap brought on by wejtern style decadence.

The jawab lies in revijting our culture. The culture of sexual decadence of western mens indulging in relationships with several wimmens should be shunned, and bious men should be faithful to all their 4 wiphes. The culture of treating wimmens as mere objects should be shunned and instead morality of wimmens should be protected by making sure they are properly covered, chaperoned at all times and married off at the right age, while taking care that too much education does not corrupt their wold view. No effort in monitoring and supervising the activities of wimmens should be spared, to prevent wimmens from being treated as mere possessions or objects. Punishing the wayward is an important part of this.

The bious mens who struggle aginst such decadent culture of the west will be rewarded in the afterlife with constant sensual pleasures of 72 virgins who carry out every wish, and are at the beck and call of their masters. The task is simple: Bious men should at all times think of sensuous pleasures (in the afterlife) to protect them from the temptation of decadence (in this life). Being tempted by sexual activities (in this life) might cause mens to commit violence (in this life). Instead mens should be tempted by sexual activities (in the after life) and declare jeehaard (in this life).

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