Monday, June 11, 2007

Title contest

Mullah Mahdi-e-dra has started a titillating title contest with
Diyar Edithar,

I am recently graduate phrom La-hore univarjity of Pinglish. I am writing a book on the great pattles fought by our even greater mujrahideen .I blan to start with a chabter on the Rani of Pindi phild Marshall Frau Parvej Musharaff and his battle with the short dark kaffir at Kargill. I will pe very opliged if pee aref membars will suggast title phor the pook. The winnar will be gifted 2 lotas bersonally used by Frau Musharaff (biss pee upon him), these lotas were ujed when the Kaffir pofors guns were firing at the prave downhill Mujrahideen (biss pee upon them )

Mr Mah E ndra
MA Pinglish,Phd Pinglish illetrachur.. ,Fazlur Rehman university
Phd Bakistani Army victories .. Gen Niazi university
Phd Tactical retreat .... Frau Gola university of Retreatology

And the recent intesting responses are:
From Mullah Enqyoobuddin:
1. Green Meteor Down Black Diamond (about the swift retreat by Jarnail Musharraf down the steepest slopes from Kargil)
2. Brown Pants Down. (How Jarnail Musharraf's artillery battalion was caught with their pants in lowered position during Battle of Khemkaran - now revealed! The reason why the Indian tank advance was unopposed).
3. Bull's Eye, Goat Schidt: The story of the Pakistan Air Fauj targeting and putting 900 holes in a vessel in Karachi harbor in 1971 (A Pakistani warship...)
4. Boots Under Burkha: The stealthy advance of the Special Operations Group under Jarnail Musharraf, in Azad Kashmir, where they stole 1,200,000,222,000 goats.

From Maulvi Sriv-e-maan:
1. Saving private kamandu (futuristic tale of Gola's flight from US embassy in Islamabad in a Chinook)
2. Daas Boot (saga of Baki slavery and boot-licking of massa)
3. In the line of Kayar (line of succession of Baki jarnails - Ayub, Yahiya, Zia, Gola...)
4. Lotay (story of Kargill and Baki parliament)
5. Mugal-e-Ajam (how PNS kurram and PNS Akpar sank each other when they spotted INS Anarkali)
6. Victory At Last (how Baki army defeated Islamabad radio station)

From the great learned shi-e-vuddin
1) Foxholes, Manholes and hairy situations
2) Resolute as a ram, soft as a goat
3) Black goat down
4) Ram Silent Ram Deep

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