Pealoveds, thank you bhor your kind attenshun. Aj you know so well I waj quickly vakashuned in the last resort of the sheikhs due to konsbiracies of sertain nefarious alements. I have successbhully dephanded the honor of the bhatherland and returned viktorious abhter being bronounced innocant. Not even satan himsalbh could lay a bhinger on the salbh of the chojen beebles.
I am therebhore reborting back to my bost in Beshawar since the Pindi bost haj been already alloted to other corrasbondant.
Here is some internashunal newj bhrom my travels:
1. Pakistan improves its defenses with new alliance: Agency report.
2. New gateways to Europe open, air services proposed: Agency report.
3. Additional awards sought for Dr. AQ Khan for making defenses impregnable: Agency report