Saturday, May 2, 2009

Biss Deal Petween Nayakuddin and Adminullah?

Diyar Pirathers,

I hab a pooch ...

The ub and down, ub and down, life of Nayakuddin reminds me of FM Mullah. Ij Nayakuddin making Biss deals with kufr Adminullah and then preaking it quickly?

Ij Nayakuddin demanding Sharia in PeeArf territory?

Doej he want all Rack-a-Shacks to wear hijaab?

Doej Adminullah govermint want Nayakuddin to dijarm hij mijjiles?

Do they want motorham ishkools open in PeeArf territory?

Ij Nayakuddin in favor oph Plack Sheeb aj Qazi?

Even Wahamullah doej naat have jawaab phor thij pooch! Blij to phind out the andar ki khabar.




Wahamullah said...

Diyar interested readar

Andar ki khabar is that Nayakuddin knows more Sharia than adminullahs
and started flaunting his knawlidge in Nukkad, one mullah tried to challenge Nayakuddin, put Nayakuddin recited 786 shooras non stop which left the Adminullah shell shocked and forced a downhill ski. The Adminullahs fearing a bagawat decided to do what Zia did to Bhutto, filed a false chargesheet, tried him in his absence and executed him.
Nayakuddin was last seen peddling Shakeela CDs in the CD market in Peshawar, he had a wry smile on his face

Al-Baqr said...

Lahaul bila qubbat,
Iph what The Mahdi sayj ij correct, then thoje are some evil kaffir fitnapasand adminullahs. It ij all a YYY conjbiracy I tell yu. They cannot stop the jeehard phrom raging. Evil, coward, adminullahs!
It waaj fun to watch the adminullah do down-e-hill skiing though.

Wahamullah said...

Ah! dont worry about what the Mahdi is saying, he ij a gorilla onlee, I wouldnt take him seriously, he dreams of an islamic state where even the Kaliph is answerable to the unwashed street Abdul
Let us focus on the rehabilitation of Nayakuddin, his jigar and shahadath will always be a source of inspiration
Fun or no fun,Nayakuddin knew about the "supari" on his head and took it like a true Mard
Jiye Bhutto...err Nayakuddin