NSN has a mandate for tight and fair reporting of the positive happenings in the land of pure. NSN strives also to promote the pure language of Pingrezi. Pingrezi is the glorious pure angrezi (english to you phoreigners) spoken in Bakistan.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bojitibe Nooje
Separately, the U.S. military said one of its aerial vehicles had gone down with engine problems in Paktika province in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, but U.S. forces had immediately recovered the aircraft.
NSN Prave repootur haj konphirmed da truth, using Djinn teknology, it is infact
a US F22 which was shot down by a prave yand TFTA PAF peeloot Abdul koyi Nahi Khan.
hij rank yand Sqn. haj been deliberately not displayed, for sekurity.
Aj eet eej haaraam to bayejaat your GUBO Master, dhis incident haj been konverted
into a perdater jinn shoot down. Jarnail(Prejident in waiting)Kiyani haj ardered
to keep it so bersonaly.Therephore we request da learned Jirga to not make a fuss.
NSN (T.N.T.)we are ebery whare.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Da Pig Bang
40 dispatched aj vakum blast rips through Bak Haaraam Mehmaan khana!
A very severe vakum blast occured at Marriot Hatell in Islumisbad
kajuing at posting taime 40 konfirmed dispatches, yand 200 in
waiting list. several motor kars were aljo peutified. NSN
prave repootur hape digg up dat at least 400 hundred
apduls were brejent at da taime oph vakum blast happenstance.
Meanbile NSN haje konphirmed phrom a 400% reliable source
dat diss waj in rejponse to Perjeedent 10%i "Olive Branch"
sinje diss mehmaan khana waj frequented by Kaffirs Infedels
yews so akshun waj taken aj per hij highness wishes.
NSN (T.N.T.)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bojitibly Bositibe Gems
some very fine Gems(phor storage)Although da naam
are changed, one kan deduce who da real bosters are.
Ebrahim Birather,
Assalamu Alaikum
Do not pay any serious attention to Kaffir Hindu and Hinduised Muslims. Their destiny alongside Christians and Jews is hot hell where they will be roasted till eternity by Merciful Allah. Pakistanis are the only true followers of Islam and as predicetd by our beloved Prophet (SAWA) the only people to be admitted to Paradise. No Jahil ARAB will be allowed come even close to the gates of Paradise. Pakistan has the atom bomb and Pakistan will use it to spread Islam in the whole world .
Arabs, Turks, Indians, European and American will all beg for mercy once our Ghazis go to war. The whole world will be Islamic in next 20 years and learn Islam from us Pakistanis . Pakistan have never lost any war it started as we are the guardian of Islam in this world and after Quraish Allah has bestowed special favour on us to spread mighty deep philosophy of Pakistani Islam in the whole world. All thsoe critcizing us will beg to become Pakistanis in near future. Wait till new Khalifa sits on the hight seat in Lahore , bringing glad tiding from Heaven and distribute booty among us true faithful.:-)
Allah Hu Akbar!!
Pakistan , the only true Islam. The leader of Ummah and the gatekeeper of Paradise .
- Posted by Amir Khan Gubodoer
It is obvious that the United States and India, See Pakistan as a threat to thier plans to contain Communist China, Pakistan for 61-years now has defeated the Indians in a whole series of wars, 1948 in which Pakistani forces took Kashmir, In 1965 in which they repulsed an Indian invasion which occured on september 6th 1965, In 1971 India again attacked Pakistan which led to the massacre of 3 million Bengali Hindus that India failed to protect, Not only that it provoked Pakistan with nuclear weapons in 1998 only to see the Pakistani tests nuclear weapons of thier own, Thier actions shortly after the testing led to skirmish which was a huge tactical victory for the Pakistanis in 1999.
India has been defeated by Pakistan and China aswell (1962), How can India be a counter to China which it can not even win a single war against its neighbours China and Pakistan?
The answer is the India is a tool for the American containment of China and American hegemony in Asia, Despite all the tall claims of India and its 1 billion illiterate, naked and hugry people, India is still just a third world sewer surviving on Western Alms.
Besides If Pakistan goes, Entire South Asia goes with it!
- Posted by Dr Idris Shah Ebrahimi
All these Hindoos and other kaffirs are afraid of mighty powerful nuclear Pakistan . Pakistan was predicted by Porphet Muhamamd (SAWA) himself as the leader of Ummah who will guide the whole world in pure islam as examplified in our dear leaders like Jinnha and General Musharraf. Arabs and Presians are Jahil and We Pakistani are pure Islam, we will make Khilafa and rule over whole Muslim world . The Amir of Momins will sit in Lahore and Peshabar will be new Medina. The Muslims certified by Emirate of Pakistan will be the only one guranateed to earn the mercy of Allah and win the reward of Paradise :-) . Kaffirs will burn in hell while Pakistani will enjoy the Hours till eternity. Eat your heart out, We are Allah’s favourite creation.
- Posted by Amir Khan Gubodoer
Brother in Islam
Allah HU Akbar !!
Kuffar world needs to know that Islam’s other name is Pakistan. Pakistan is very well Allah’s own laboratory to produce perfect Musalmans.GOP will be well advised to throw out all the kaffir written books taught in schools and colleges and make sure every child , adult ,man , goat study the Holy Quran to acquire the correct knowledge and make Pakistan superior to all non Beliving nations.Allah has promised the full reward of Paradise to any one whosoever beocme the citizen of Pakistan.
This remind me of Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) once said ” Muslims must acquire knowledge by coming to Holy land of Arabia”. I eequest my Pakistani brothers and sisters to march toward Mecca and not to come back till become perfect Momin, Ghazi or Jihadi. Instead of trying to go thorugh the private hardship to get single entry Candian Visa , residency in Pakisatan gurranted such rewards on daily basis. Hindus are just feeling jealous.
- Posted by Amir Khan Gubodoer
Why is Rooters defaming the Pakistan, hain? It is all Amreeka’s fault that not enough Canadian Visas were issued. And Bakbak Obama should know better than to attack Bakistan. He will learn lesson of Munh-tod Jawab and also Nani-Remembering. Salaam.
- Posted by Abdul Al-Okullah
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bojitibely Indirect Nooje.
Diyar Jirga Mempers dhis eej indirectely bositibely nooje.
derephore bliss to be bearing with me.
Phirst oph all Haalaal Link
Sekound da eggplanashun,(phor dhoje who do not wash on Fridin)
Since Bangladesh waj kreated phrom da flesh oph bakistan,
our Taller dan ocean deeper dan Mountain all weather fliend
hape helped us, in our enterprije. Eye salute to da kleverness
oph our fliend, kill dem young yand get our land back when da older
beoble dies of old age.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bositibely Three Facet
The Bad!
The Ukaley!
To end dhiss bost, arj kiya hai,
Jab Talib dhawa bole tow,
Hum yemreeki GUBO karte hain.
Jab yemreeki dhawa bole tow,
Hum kiya kiya karey ???
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Finally some facts about goats in Bakistan
Pakistan is endowed with diverse livestock genetic resources. In fact, it is postulated that one of the centers of animal domestication and husbandey lies in this part of the world. Pakistan has nearly 50 million goats and 175million donkeys. Goats are kept for milk and meat production and contribute significantly to the income of the rural farmers who loan their goats to the Talibs and SSG( Sialkot Scouts and Guides). Dairy goats are commonly kept by the farmers belonging to the poor socio-economic class of the society, most of which are landless, diary goats are also called comfot goats and are of great importance to keep the morale of otherwise impotent Abduls very high.. They prefer goats over other two legged animals which inlude wimmen. Livestock population trends (see Figure 1) show that the goat population in Pakistan has increased 650% in the last 45 years (1955-2000). This is tremendous considering the amount of Sheesh Kebabs and Zam Zam cola being consumed on every weekend starting Jumma rath.
Thirty-six recognized breeds of goats can be found in Pakistan. The pakjabi goat which is fair, smooth skinned and generally docile are preffered by strong Bakistani mards, the Baluchi goats are domesticated by only the adventurous Pathans as these goats are known for their pointed horns and are generally not amenable for adventure and recreation.
Production SystemsGoat
production is almost evenly distributed among all regions of the country. The vast majority of small ruminant flock owners are small-scale farmers. Mixed flocks of sheep and goats are common, although separate flocks of either species can also be seen.Most of the lambs and kids are born between January and April which often coincides with the lull in jihad during the previous few months coupled with the fact that young boys are often sent to madrassa terrorist vocational schools at the same time., Females are retained for flock replacement or enlargement, but males are sold before they are one year old. Farmers usually do not need to pay a fee for grazing, but in some areas grazing rights or fodder may have to be purchased.These areas where grazing rights are overzealously implemented lie mostly in the grass lands of Punjab and Sindh as goats have to compete with people for their share of grass(may all** bless Bhutto for that)Sheep are usually shorn twice per year. Some milking is done to provide for family consumption and for sale in the local market.Milking is done by elderly Abduls no longer fit for the Jeehad.
Sheep and goat breeds are at higher risk of losing their virginity due to indiscriminate inbreeding by Abduls returning after losing their H&D in the Jihad with Kufr in Afghanistan and Bharat and lack of any breeding policy or directive from the government. In fact, no significant development project or programme for improvement or selective breeding of local breeds has ever been seriously undertaken. Sheep breeds are more vulnerable, as sheep raising is being replaced by goat husbandry in many regions
Furthermore, with population expansion, availability of grazing places and rangelands is decreasing, thus reducing nutrient availability to these animals. Since formal phenotypic and genetic characterization of the small ruminant breeds has generally not been carried out, the value of a given breed is judged only based on their potential for production of mutton, thus breeds with lower adult weight are most likely to disappear.These low weight goats are useless for jihad as the true blue hot blooded Baki Mard likes voluptous goats.
Clearly defined breeding policies should be established and implemented for all major breeds of goats. Inbreeding Abduls should not let their fervour for Jihad overcome the need to preserve and protect unique breeds of Goats
Pakistan is very rich in goat genetic resources. However, if more emphasis is place only on certain breeds, the others may get neglected and lost over the time. Princess Ayesha was raised in a protected environment away from the goats who have streaks of Pathan genes. This scenario will be a real loss to the nation. Immediate efforts should be made to conserve breeds with lesser populations
Goat improvement programmes for all major breeds like Beetal, Dera Din Panah, Nachi, Kamori, Barberi Khurasani and Dhamani should be started immediately for exploiting full potential of these breeds. Forage and range development programmes should be instituted and implemented involving local stake-holders, particularly goat herders.
Specially demarkated areas should be provided for grazing by goats and Pakistanis, as oil prices and inflation goes up and as the lack of 123 agreement with Kufr makes this situation more acute, one can forsee different clans of goat owners clashing with ordinary goat less Abduls over grazing rights, this situation should be avoided at all costs. As history has made it pretty evident whenever the interests of animals and humans clash, it is the humans who win, in this case however it will be a fight between animals and the fittest will survive. Intelligence lies in preventing this scenario form turning into reality.
Research and Development Needs
Goat breeds of Beetal, Kamori and Dera Din Panah should be developed as dairy-cum-meat breeds through sustainable selective breeding programmes. For this to happen one must find alternative sources of recreation during the lull in Jihad
Molecular genetic studies are in progress to answer these questions. This research work is being carried out as part of the CRP on “Gene based technologies in Livestock Breeding: Phase I – Characterization of Small Ruminant Genetic Resources in Asia”. Results of these studies will help to define the breeds to be conserved in Pakistan.
Source: This article was contributed by Dr. A. N. Naqvi of the Karakurum International University in Gilgit, Northern Areas, Pakistan and reflect her opinions on goat breeding in Pakistan and not necessarily those of the IAEA. Dr. Naqvi can be contacted by email at PeeCee_kothwal@bharat-rakshak.com
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Unkal Samsuddin Pays respect to Bakistan's sovereignty
.A remnant of the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan, the group had occasionally fought in Kashmir and turned the building into their liaison office.This is the first time that the premises of a militant organisation has been attacked in the area, some three kilometres west of Miramshah.Residents said the drone fired the missile at about 6:30am.The building was completely destroyed and the militants took the injured people to some unspecified place(GHQ Pindi according to star reporter Rasoolullah Pindiwale)
.The sources said the dead and the injured people were outsiders and a majority of them belonged to Punjab.Like other tribal elders, the sources said, Shah Adam had provided the land to the authorities for setting up a school.Later, he took over the building and turned it into his Mujra (guesthouse)where soldiers from the famed SSG(Sialkot Scouts and Guides.)routinely performed Mujras for Zawahiri and other Al Qaida big wigs)
This was the fifth air attack by thePakistan -led allied NATO forces in North Waziristan over the past 10 days.The attack on the building was carried out amid reports emanating from the US with threats given by top government and military officials about extending the Afghan war into Pakistan’s tribal areas and an angry statement from Army Chief Gen Pervez Ashfaq Kayani that no foreign country would be allowed to conduct operation inside the Pakistani territory Gen Kiyani has since taken US, NATO, China,India and almost 177 other countries off the list of foreign countries not allowed to conduct mil operations inside Bakistan. He also summoned the envoys of Botswana and Chad and warned them that any further attacks on bakistan's H&D will be met with full force Insha Allah
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Praking nooj: BNB-NSN catches ek Aur UFO live as UFO sightings increase...
HAIL! caliph-e-10%i
All, bliss to raije jour's mijjiles, as dhiss kuffir nooje site very trully sayejs
THREE clouds hovered over Asif Zardari as he was sworn in on September 9th as Pakistan’s president. The economy is in crisis. Second, the war against the local Taliban is going badly. And, third, Mr Zardari himself has not shaken off the reputation he earned when his late wife, Benazir Bhutto, was prime minister, as “Mr 10%”—a man less interested in running his country wisely than in looting it greedily.
Wijened Mullas are already predicting a short, chaotic and disastrous presidency, followed, as night follows day in Pakistani politics, by a solid-looking general stepping in to stop the rot.
phear not mullas, aphter mussarraf, inshallah before year end we will hape kussarraf,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Arrahuakbar, jaahil search ingen says BNB ij the best....
Kabhi the kufrs are also right
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bojitevely Inflated Demand
De Kuffar Srilankan Kirket poard(KSKP) have demanded
20 million Amereki dollah to play Bakistan.
well,well, KSKP shuld be knowing dat
we hape Caliph-e-10%i aj Prejedent, yand
10 isport(Dubai walley) eej ready to proadcast
phree oph cost, dey shuld demand 10 % or 10 thousand
hallal Baki ropees, not adding da two to kome up with
a 20 million Dollah. All dhese inspite oph da phact dat
Pee See Be have assuared dem oph nat playing
Showaib yand will require all batsmen to not score any
centuries. A hazar course be upon dem.
NSN (T.N.T.)
Ya Allah Your magnificient Creation..Bakistan
Bojitibe Kirket Nooje
"He (chucker) had requested for a No Objection Certificate, which we have ijjued to him, and we have no problems if he wants to play in county cricket," PCB chief operating officer Shafqat Naghmi told the NSN on Tuesday.
In 46 test matches, Akhtar has taken 1780 wickets at an average of 0.2 and 2190 wickets at 0.23 in 138 limited-overs internationals. In 2006, Akhtar and fellow Pakistan speedster Mohammad Asif tested positive for the haalaal steroid nandrolone just before the Champions Trophy in India. The PCB initially felicated the players, but it waj rejected by dem on da ground, that since ebery baki
kirketer takes de haalaal istuff, dey do not need any ispecial treatment.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Misinformation campaign by kufrs
Maula ke naam pe de de
unassailable. kalls to da Braytollas hape been unanswered.
as thij eej Felashing Nooje onlee, details will be sappalied later
as eej available.
NSN(Kourtsey B.N.B.--T.N.T.)
Bakistani Scientists discover Innovative X ray techniques
WASHINGTON, Sept 7: The United States has formally informed Pakistan that it is holding six Pakistanis at Guantanamo Bay prison, including a businessman, accused of exporting nuclear weapons to other countries.The list includes a so-called “high value” detainee, a nephew of the alleged 9-11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and two brothers who initiated a series of hunger strikes against their continued detention without charge.In a notification to the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, the US administration identified the prisoners as Qari Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni, Ammar Al-Balochi, Majid Khan, Abdul Rabbani, Ahmad Ghulam Rabbani and Saifullah Paracha.US authorities informed the Pakistan Embassy that a military commission is already trying Ammar Al-Balochi while charges are being framed against the remaining four and they may soon be presented before a military commission at Guantanamo.The embassy, however, is urging the US administration to release all of them into Pakistan’s custody for trial.“We are pursuing this vigorously,” said Ambassador Husain Haqqani. “We are trying to persuade US authorities to hand them over to us along with the evidence they have against them.”One of them -- Qari Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni -- was flown to Chaklala last week for trial in a Pakistani court after the completion of his review process.Mr Madni is accused of being an Al Qaeda operative who allegedly participated in a plan to kill a US official in Pakistan.Since 2002, more than 500 Guantanamo detainees have been sent to the countries of their origin. An internal review has determined that 60 detainees still at Guantanamo are eligible for transfer or release.The United States is still holding 255 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba.Among the six Pakistanis, the most publicised case is that of a 61-year old businessman, Saifullah Paracha, who is listed in Guantanamo as prisoner # 1093.On July 5, 2003, Saifullah Paracha received a call from his American business partner Charles Antenby to meet him in Thailand for a business meeting but was arrested by US authorities when he arrived there.Although Mr Paracha has many charges against him, the most significant charge is that he used his textile import and export business to export nuclear weapons to other countries. He has denied all charges.Mr Paracha’s arrest followed that of his son Uzair Paracha who was held in New York on March 28, 2003. In 2005, Uzair Paracha, now 28, was convicted and is now serving his sentence in a New York prison.He was accused of obtaining documents for the so-called “high value” detainee Majid Khan to help him blow up gas stations in the United States.Majid Khan is a Pakistan-born man and legal resident of the United States who immigrated to the US in 1996. On a trip to Pakistan to visit his wife, Mr Khan was detained by Pakistani officials and transferred to one of the CIA’s secret prisons. He is represented by the Centre for Constitutional Rights, a US-based legal rights group, and is the only so-called “high value” detainee to have legal representation.US officials claim that Mr Khan, under Khalid Shaikh Mohammed’s tutelage, was being trained to blow up gas stations, poison water reservoirs and plotted to assassinate former president General Pervez Musharraf.US intelligence officials also claim that Mr Khan’s job at the family gas station qualified him to participate in an alleged Al Qaeda plot to blow up parts of the US petroleum infrastructure.Another Pakistani prisoner in Guantanamo, Ammar Al-Balochi is the nephew of the alleged 9-11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Ammar was arrested on April 29, 2003, in Karachi.US officials claimed that he acted as an intermediary between Arab and Pakistani fighters of Al Qaeda. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed also used him as a messenger. Information retrieved from him enabled the FBI and the ISI to make several more arrests in Pakistan.Abdul Al-Rahim Ghulam Rabbani, 39, is a citizen of Pakistan, held in extrajudicial detention at Guantanamo. Mr Rabbani and his brother, Mohammed Ahmad Ghulam Rabbani, were held at a CIA black site known as the “salt pit” before they were transferred to Guantanamo.Listed in Guantanamo as prisoner # 1460, Mr Rabbani and his brother were held in Karachi in September 2002.US authorities claimed that Mr Rabbani was a well known Karachi-based Al Qaeda facilitator who had transported many Al Qaeda members from safe houses to a Karachi apartment and would bring money for them to purchase food and would bring clothes, suitcases and other travel gear for Al Qaeda members preparing to leave.His brother, Mohammed Ahmad Ghulam Rabbani, 38, was born in 1970 in Madina, Saudi Arabia.The two brothers participated in a hunger strike that started on August 8, 2005 and forced US officials to improve prison conditions at Guantanamo.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Neuj Phlash Phrom Bhienna
Bliss excuje my absenj. I waj in Bhienna with Wahamullah attending Nukular Supplierj Jirga. Wahamullah sahab had peen inbhited to brobhide correct anserj to all the Nukular Pooch in accordenj to the holy pook.
Oph courj Wahamullah did not dijabboint. Many timej the Jirga waj conphujed and scratching musharraf. Some eggjambles of Wahamullah Wijdom:
1. Mullah phrom New Jeeland asked what to do iph India made pig pomp ujing Sheep Pu eggjborted phrom New Jeeland?
Wahamullah laughed lol. He eggjblain that "only Bakri Pu ij Phissile. Sheep Pu needj eggjtra Neutron in Phast Preeder." Pirathers, I am only telling what I heard. Don't poocho what it meanj. Mullah phrom Norway then said something apout denying Sheep Pu Enrichment teknawlij.
2. Mullah phrom Austria asked apout injbecting phuel rejerbh.
Wahamullah said, "Austria should injbect all Pu in musharraph oph all Bakri in Cibhilian List." [Py the way, don't worry pirathers, your Bakris are saphely in Military list.]
3. Mullah phrom Ireland wanted Comblete Pan on Tashting.
Wahamullah said that tashting ij haraam, put goes on anyway. He asked in return iph tashting guinness should be panned, hain? Mullahs phrom Germanistan and Inglistan were seen smiling.
Theej are jusht eggjambles. Wahamullah waj giving non-shtop adbhije phor teen din. Pirathers I tell joo, Wahamullah ij the wijest one. Nukular Halo Pe Ubon Him.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Bositibe Whine
Phirst oph all eye want to komplain. Eye hape been trying to bost
NEUJ since Sundin, but thij haaraam kufir software did not ellow me.
Eye demand a proper Haalaal software which eej harder dan thij
haaraam software.
Whine numper doo:
In da above bichor(haaraam) eet eej very kelear dat de kamera(haaraam equipment)
haj been placed on right yand below de level oph de personal mijjiles oph mullas.
translation: hidden kamera.(absolutely yand totaly haaraam).next taime Mullas
are advised to do proper checking oph de room(eet kould hape been IED poobaraak).
Whine numper three:
halla link
why phor an enkwewary eej needed? dhese people are possessed by ebel djinns,
eye demand stoning of "Enkwewary kommity"
Whine numper four:
Hallal link
Eye pooch what eej da need phor probe.de mujaheeds hape
got deir 78+28, since haddith numper1243534335676 says
"Ye shall not probe or prod a dead Mussarraf"
eet eej haaraam to probe. eye demand yanother stoning session.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Yand no wonder power prices are being hiked by 30%
Ghulami din
