Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bositibe Whine

Phirst oph all eye want to komplain. Eye hape been trying to bost
NEUJ since Sundin, but thij haaraam kufir software did not ellow me.
Eye demand a proper Haalaal software which eej harder dan thij
haaraam software.

Whine numper doo:
In da above bichor(haaraam) eet eej very kelear dat de kamera(haaraam equipment)
haj been placed on right yand below de level oph de personal mijjiles oph mullas.
translation: hidden kamera.(absolutely yand totaly haaraam).next taime Mullas
are advised to do proper checking oph de room(eet kould hape been IED poobaraak).

Whine numper three:
halla link
why phor an enkwewary eej needed? dhese people are possessed by ebel djinns,
eye demand stoning of "Enkwewary kommity"

Whine numper four:
Hallal link
Eye pooch what eej da need phor mujaheeds hape
got deir 78+28, since haddith numper1243534335676 says
"Ye shall not probe or prod a dead Mussarraf"
eet eej haaraam to probe. eye demand yanother stoning session.


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