Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bojitibe Nooje

ISLAMISBAD (NSN) - The Bakistani Peelitary said on Wednesdiy a Djin Perdator that crashed in the northwestern region of South Waziristan had been recovered, but the Pentagon denied any U.S. drone had been lost in the area.

Separately, the U.S. military said one of its aerial vehicles had gone down with engine problems in Paktika province in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, but U.S. forces had immediately recovered the aircraft.

NSN Prave repootur haj konphirmed da truth, using Djinn teknology, it is infact

a US F22 which was shot down by a prave yand TFTA PAF peeloot Abdul koyi Nahi Khan.
hij rank yand Sqn. haj been deliberately not displayed, for sekurity.

Aj eet eej haaraam to bayejaat your GUBO Master, dhis incident haj been konverted
into a perdater jinn shoot down. Jarnail(Prejident in waiting)Kiyani haj ardered
to keep it so bersonaly.Therephore we request da learned Jirga to not make a fuss.
NSN (T.N.T.)we are ebery whare.

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