Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mussarraf Saving

Since ebil baniya yindoo bredaters hape been dandacharging yand wiping off Bojitibe neuj, eye will try to save some gems for posterity.

AOA ispeeking about a Danda pesh in khidmat of bious consinears

Carrying home
his nava danda
a Maulana walking

pointing it at the Moon
making a point
with his mighty danda

thousands of Leaves
shake in fear
but the sky is empty

One not Two
danda does
the Maulana have

Two not One
legs does
the Maulana have

cold Midnight
pounding rain
the maulana does

admist all this
gathering dust
his wooden danda
just sits.


By Brabessar LM

wah wah knee-ran-ullah al nipponi!
what a haikullah ju habh phekhed to the aud-i-ence!

as phor bhatullah-al-kaju-qatli... ju dare to kveshschun the display of lal-ness in public!?!

do ju naat know that in aaal eez fair in laav and taqiya? so, just like jarnail show laal-tipped green paint mijjile in public, seniar maulers (like moi) do taquiya in pablic with lal-houris to blend in with great satan (dron-e-charya nebher faar), whilst ju-near maulers (like ju) must perform the greatar jeehad in the goat shed, and even grater jeehad in the donkey shed. but plij to note IR photography of iraqui biraders doing animal husbandry on ju-toob - the donkey maast be sitting during the performance of its role in jeehard. us sea-nears perform these sacrifices for ju and ju dont appreciate?
what is warld coming to?

by Anu-bin-jaan

Internashunal Community Should Help Themselves by Helping Pakistan Help Themselves to Cashmere

Here ij my help to bopularise to the 400% brilliant artecal “International Community should help themselves by helping Pakistan” which helpfully concludes

Consequently, what the United States needs to do, and this is not at all an easy job, is bring the Kashmir issue to the forefront. If they can come to some sort of conclusion concerning Kashmir, Pakistan will have no use for terrorist cells and hence create a more stable Subcontinent. Pakistan will be able to focus more on their economic welfare and the wellbeing of their citizens.

Such a clear articulation for the end of terrorist activitiej has never been written on the internets. Hugely encouraged, I wish to jump into the Jeehaard and contribute as well. Here is my 400% endorsement titled “Internashunal Community Should Help Themselves by Helping Pakistan Help Themselves to Cashmere”

To understand the phenomenon of the terrorijt infestation in Pakistan, it is imbortant to understand the relevanje of Cashmere issue and the part it plays in forcing Pakistan to train moojahids to fight in far away places. As it ij well known, in the past 4 years Pakistanis were implicated (and in many cases convicted) for terrorism in

China (Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region)
Russia (Chechnya)
Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Ferghana valley)
Southern Philippines
Saudi Arabia
South Korea

And that ij just a few places yours sachly got in 5 minutes of Google News archive search.

Look at the list of blaces that will benefit if Cashmere ijjue is solved!! If you ask “What do these places have to do with Cashmere and why are Pakistanis & Pakistani trained terrorijsts attacking them?” you are most probably a Joo working for CIA, RAA or Mossad out to defame Pakistan. On the other hand, the first thing that should come to any Batriotic Pakistani’s mind is “Whoa!! There is a place called Dagestan? And our moojahids know enough geography to go there and set off bums?” YES!! And this is precisely the reason why even though Yemen is increasingly showing botential to challenge this record, WE ARE STILL NO 1!! AK Phyrr in air!!

Okay I got carried away and I digress.

Where were we? My support for an article which articulates why Cashmere is a normal and legitimate explanation for using the State apparatus of Pakistan to terrorize the population of a neighbouring country by randomly killing innocent civilians.

Going back to the list, look at the size of the Internashunal community that can help themselves by helping Pakistan help themselves to Cashmere!! Ofcourse, this will not solve *all* terrorijam and will leave a few countries behind. Like Denmark (Stop drawing cartoons you Kuffars!!), Switzerland (Build more Minarets!!), Norway (Stop giving out Nobel brizes to Chinese dissidents!!), US (FREE DAUGHTER OPH PAKISTAN AAFIA!!). But that is for a later analysis on how remaining terrorism can be tackled. Right now let us stay with supporting the low standards of conduct the State has set for itself


PS> Several beepuls have pointed out inconsistencies and addishuns to this blog post and I am listing them here.

A reader feels left out that Pakistan’s accomplishment in Thailand has been ignored. 400% abologies! Pakistan trained moojahids have spread Pakistan’s name far and wide in Thailand as well.
A reader points out that Dagestan is a Russian province. Another reader says that Dagestan is not a country at all, but is probably a Joo kanspeerajy to defame Pakistan’s image and RAA, CIA and Mossad are probably partners in this kanspeerajy. I agree with both.
Another reader points out that Pakistani moojahids going to Dagestan is 400% proof of the wholesome madrassa educashun preparing people with real world skills. Who said real-world subjects like Geography are not taught in madrassas hain?
Another reader says that the internashunal community is obligated to help Pakistan and quotes one of my tweets
“Pakistan is doing the whole world a favour by being Pakistan. Would you rather have your country be Pakistan hain?”


breeteesh like to eat "toad in the hole" whereas
amreekis like to go in the poak hole (phor gooobow)
on the other haath...
cheenis like to eat poaks whole with steamed toad

by Maulana Mahi

What is the difference between MMS and Yusaf Raza Gilani?

MMS supports freedom of press

Gilani supports freedom to press( ask Sherry)

to which maulana LM replies

MMS pressures the G20
Gilani pressures the 36B

MMS focuses on booms
Gilani focuses on boobs


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