I realije that kuffars everybhere including Peereff Prahmans are praying (er. shoud it be braying in pinglish). i aljo notice the wise Shreemanullah has tactically withdrawn from all dhaagas of rona dhona and ij confined to tempraray cave.
In the meantime, i see two of ex-mullaj hab successphully crassed over and are raining phriendly dronas on mullas. bhat haj come to the land op pure, huh?
Anywej , each to his own mijjile and neighbours wife.
Blij consider thij as calls to arms all joo mullas Nayakuddin, Abdul Khan, Al-Krate, Laluddin (bhere?) and all mullas whoj naam i phorget after vijiting kufr places
neeche you see image op mullah being rained by phriendly lathis after full throated criej of ALLAHUAKBAR. Some intelligent mullah (gotas be to him ) also told me that kufr prahmins want to de-link the greatest religion from Bakistan and write messages like :
Underishtand one thing. kiyanahi and Gaddari are trr-rists. Thij ij becauj the Land op Bakistan is a land op terrists! Eben if kiyanahi and Gaddari were buddhists n jens they would be trr-rists becauj land op Bakistan can only breed trr-rists.
Now bhy would kufr Buddhists and Jens blow themselves up? Phor 72 IJJLAMIC goats?
Sad dins indeed. Glory op IJJLAM being given to kufr religions. Ip above blaspemours ishtatment is sach, then i say humbly such de-linking betwen greatest religion and its great philosophy ij phoolish. Such dlushional prahmins. As wise Lalmullah and hij companion Mahdi mahendra would say "Das saal barbaad kiya LMU mein, par kuch sikhya nahin!!"
Over to you. ALLAHUAKBAR. Blij to click to see in phool glory
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