Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Penicillin in milk?

70 per cent of milk found improved
LAHORE - Over 70 per cent of the milk being consumed in the city has been found to be improved that includes samplers from both unpacked and packed milk.
According to a latest report prepared by Safe Water For All (SWFA), the ratio of improvement in loose milk during the month of May and June was 70.89 per cent. Out of 294 loose milk samples tested, 241 were declared improved with urea and hazardous chemicals like Carboxyl Methyl, Hydro Ethyl, Caustic Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide and colour pigments. While the ratio of improvement in packed milk remained 59 per cent. Out of 13,631 milk samples collected during same period, 8,157 were found improved with cooking oil, urea, penicillin and different chemicals
Report made it clear that penicillin and a chemical namely trynago, used to preserve dead bodies, were used in a very low quantity in packed milk. The preservatives kill both healthy and harmful bacteria in milk, undermining its nutrition value grossly.